Wednesday, May 28, 2008
When I Need It Most
I haven't been to Church in a while and have felt the Spirit quietly but definitely sliding away...especially lately with everything going, I feel my patience has shortened, my temper heightened and my sanity lacking. I haven't been praying as much and certainly not reading, thus being an overall bad Mom and example to my children. Thus being a bad example to myself.

I find it funny however, how Heavenly Father then plants the seed back into the heart. How he uses others to plant that seed. See, I have a dear friend who I'm about to leave, who has been a shining example of who I want to be. She doesn't give herself the credit she deserves but I think of her as Super Mom, Wife and Friend. She does what is asked of her in Church (she is Primary president), she makes an effort to do FHE with her family each week, she cooks, she cleans, she prays, she plays piano, she loves her family, she reads, she takes care of her friends and without a doubt, the Spirit is with her. I know that Heavenly Father has put her in my life to be an example to me and oh how I'm grateful for that. When I am around her, that seed starts to sprout again and the Spirit knocks me in the to speak. You know who you are, dear. Yes, you. I will miss you but I know that you are in my life for a long time to come, thanks to Heavenly Father....

Another thing that happened is I went over to Monique's blog which I haven't been to in a few weeks and saw her posting which lead me to FINALLY read Elder Ballard's talk on Motherhood. I REALLY needed to read this remind me that there will be trying times as a Mom but that's ok. To try and cherish those special moments more which I need to do. I know Heavenly Father led me there today and I am grateful for that.

Anyway, sorry to get sappy but I'm in a sappy mood. Reflecting on the week past and look to the week ahead...feeling overwhelmed but I need to remember that HE is there...I just need to call on him.

No time
No time for a long post but wanted to share this image of Bill and Samantha. Love his protective glare. Seems all the males of the family are already protective over her :)

Friday, May 23, 2008
Week 1 with Samantha
Day 1

Day 2
Day 5

1 week old

My how she's changed in a week's time...

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Baby Blues
I've had PPD or the Baby Blues after each of pregnancies and I was hoping that they wouldn't hit me again but with everything that is going on, I'm afraid I'm not able to stop blues from surfacing right now. When I think of the week ahead of me, I cry. When I think of not enjoying Samantha's first few weeks in peace, I cry. When I think of all the work Bill is doing and how much he's missing his new daughter, I cry. When I think of relocating to a new city in just a week, I cry. When I realize that this is the very last time I will ever have a newborn of my own, I cry. When I feel alone, like I do now, I cry. I slow danced with my new daughter yesterday and I cried.

I know what this is and I know it will pass, but frankly, it sucks going through it. I know some of you Moms can relate. I needed to vent this. I needed to sit here and cry while I type this. Bill is my best friend in the world but I can't burden him with my stupid Baby Blues, so now it's yours to see.

:) There, I feel better.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Reality Check
After speaking with a friend of mine yesterday (you know who you are...hahaha), I realize that I'm living in a fantasy world. So I had a baby last week and have been taking the past few days easy but then it hits me...we are MOVING next weekend. MOVING PEOPLE! MOVING. I have done NOTHING. No packing, planning,, zero zilch. Am I insane or just completely in denial or just trying to pack in as much newborn time as possible? Perhaps all three.

Now I'm stressing. I have to get boxes, Bill has to find the house, I have to cancel all utilities and do a change of address and and and..... ARG!

Not exactly how I planned to spend my first few weeks postpartum. :(

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Samantha's Birth Story
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 11AM I had my membranes stripped. Never having the procedure done before, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. Pain? Quick process? Effective? Of course, I read up on it on the internet but like everything else, there are many stories. I went in and my Doc asked me if I as sure I wanted it done. Without hesitation, I said YES! So she did her thing and yes, it heck but it was a fairly quick process. She told me that I was 4cm dilated and 80% effaced and expected to see me within 24 to 48 hours. I left the office full of anticipation and yet full of doubt (must have been the internet stories).

I went throughout my day with constant but non-painful contractions. Nothing out of the ordinary really until around dinner time when I got hit with a decent contraction. Being a pessimist, I shrugged it off and got the kids and myself ready for bed. I stayed up for a little bit wondering if I would feel another good contraction but after a few hours, I realized I wouldn't so off to bed I went.

At almost exactly 2AM, I woke up to pain. Not searing, unbearable pain but without a doubt, the most painful contraction of my pregnancy. I sat up in bed and wondered if "it was time." I waited. 10 minutes later, another hit. I got out of bed and walked around a little and got hit a third time 10 minutes later. I know that Braxton Hicks go away with movement or walking, so I had a feeling this was the real thing. I hopped in the shower to see if it relaxed me...just in case I was hoping against hope. I had another while in the shower so I knew it was time. I called Bill who was in South Florida for work...3 hours away. I told him to get home. He immediately got on the road. I called my parents to let them know and they said they were on their way. I called my girlfriend, Janice and she immediately said she would be over. During this time, William woke up and couldn't get back to sleep so I let him hang out on the living room chair and watch TV. I woke up Sariah to let her know what was going on and she got up right away and started helping me out with getting ready, feeding William and such. That hour or so that she was up...she was the most supportive, most wonderful daughter. My contractions started coming every 4 minutes and were painful...Sariah would come over, stand beside me and gently rub my back. Having my daughter right by my side...comforting me...I can't tell you how much that means to me. How special she is. I needed her and she was there without question and full of love.

My friend, Janice, arrived around 4:30ish and she and I left for the hospital while Sariah waited for my parents to arrive (about 10 minutes after we left). The contractions were getting more and more the point that I had to stop and breathe out with each contraction. They lasted about 1 minute each time. We got to the hospital and they whisked me upstairs to L&D. The nurses set me up with an IV and some Stadall (spelling) to take the edge off of the contractions. That Stadall....yeah...nice drug. Made me feel drunk-like and definitely helped with the contractions. Janice sat by me and held my hand through each contraction. My friend of 20 years was there for me once again. I love you Janice and thank you.

Around 6:30AM or 7, Bill arrived alive but worn out from the 3 hour drive. I have never been so happy to see him. He and Janice took turns as I went from contraction to contraction. I was about 6cm and 90%. I believe the Stadall started wearing off around 10 or 11AM and I started almost begging for an epidural. The anesthesiologist showed up and popped in my epidural. Now, I've had epidurals with all of my pregnancies and have never had any issues with them going in or any physical issues once they were in. This doctor seemed to have a little bit of an issue getting it in so it took a minute or so longer than I'm used to which made me impatient as I got one contraction after another. Finally, after getting it into my back, I started feeling relief. Then I started feeling things I haven't felt before. I started vomited and as the labor went on, I kept vomiting. My blood pressure also me A LOT (the diastolic number was 26 at one point)...and I was woozy from it all. The doctor injected something into my IV TWICE to get my pressure back up. It was just all weird and foreign to me considering I've never had issues before. Throughout this dreadful vomiting and wooziness, Bill was right there, pushing back my hair, cleaning out the bedpan and just loving me. I love that man so much...he is my soulmate.

Anyway, my labor was progressing but my contractions started getting further apart and less strong. This was after my water broke at some point in the morning. They allowed me to labor a bit more and then around 2:00PM or so, the nurse came in to check on me and said I was 100% effaced and had a little lip of cervix left. She expected it to go rather quickly but it didn't so she checked me again at around 2:30 and said she would be right back. She grabbed another nurse to "get a second opinion". The other nurse came and checked and said I had another bag of water that needed to get broken. Funny thing is that I had a feeling that was going to happen. I wonder if they had discovered that sooner, how much sooner would my baby have arrived. Anyway, the nurse managed to break the water and I felt a warm flow. I knew from that point that it would be soon. Very soon.

Around 3PM, my epidural started not helping despite being able to pump the flow myself. I told the anesthesiologist who gave me a "topping off". Well, my body didn't react to that topping off well and my right leg swelled to triple it's normal size and I couldn't move it at all. I could move my left leg and felt the contractions (sometimes painful) but not my right leg. Freaked me out a little but the doc didn't seem concerned.

Since the point my water broke, the contractions sky rocketed. Strong, hard and every 2 minutes. Around 3:45PM, I told the nurse I felt pressure. Elena (the nurse) checked and sure enough, the head was right down there. Doctor Lewis arrived and got everything ready. She sat at the edge of the bed, checked me and said if I was ready, to go ahead and push. Three pushes later, Samantha Elizabeth Leighton was out!! The first thing out of my mouth was "Her head is so round!!!" It really a c-section baby it was so round. She let out a little cry and was placed on my stomach. At that point, Bill and I fell completely and totally in love.

The nurses weighed her at 7lbs and 19in long. Perfect. Absolutely perfect.

The funny thing is that about a month and a half ago, Bill put two dates in an envelope with his guesses of when Samantha would arrive. He had one date and May 15. He had guessed the date. Not only that but as soon as he arrived at the hospital, we did guesses on weight and Bill got that right too!!!

So we are going on day 5 now of Samantha's arrival into this world. With our impending move, I'm grateful that I have this week or so to enjoy her. To enjoy her coos. To enjoy her smell. To enjoy her staring at me in wonder. To love her. God has blessed my family once again. We are a family of 6. We have each other. We have love. We now have little Samantha. God is Good.

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Could be it...
I had my membranes stripped yesterday (Wednesday) morning at 11AM. It hurt. Bad. But I got through the 30 secs of pure agony because I knew I had a good chance of going into labor with it done.

I've had contractions off and on all day. Had a two painful ones right after dinner and then they kind of fizzled so I decided to just call it a day and get some sleep.

Woke up at 2AM with a painful contraction. They've been coming every 8 to 10 minutes and lasting around 50 seconds. I don't want to get my hopes up but at the same time, IF this is it, Bill is 3 hours away. At what point do I call him? Do I wait until I can barely talk? Do I time them for another 30 minutes? Of course, these are rhetorical questions.

I think I just got my answer. I've called Bill and will call my parents in a little bit. Hopefully, the next time you read this, I'll have photos of Samantha to go with....

Monday, May 12, 2008
Rant from a STILL pregnant woman
Yep. Monday morning and I'm still with child. Yesterday was Mother's Day and let's just say that it didn't start out all that well. When I awoke to discover that I didn't miraculously go into labor overnight, my spirits were down...way down. Everyone in my family could feel my sense of disappointment. See, there's more to the story than meets the eye. It's not just that I absolutely LOATHE being pregnant. Don't get me wrong. I am blessed to be able to bear children...I know this with all my heart. But I really really REALLY hate the whole process of being pregnant. I feel like crap. On top of that, my husband is gone again for another 5 days for work (if you need details on this, email me) which leaves me MISERABLY pregnant and a single Mom for 5 days. This is going to go on until the end of May. I hate it. HATE IT.

Anyway, so Mother's Day started out crappy only because I'm miserably pregnant but it did get better because I have an awesome family. I am so blessed to have the husband and children I have. They know how to make me to touch my to bring me out of my depths of despair (ok...slight exaggeration there).

Let me add this since it popped into my head as I typed. One of the worst things about the end of pregnancy and I know that other women can attest to this: as a pregnant woman nearing the end, you get your hopes up with every "sign" that you think you may see indicating the end could be near.
  • The mucus plug came out? Surely, labor will start in the next day or so.
  • Having Braxton Hicks contractions by the dozen? Any minute full blown labor will start, right?
  • Is that discharge or leaking fluid? Maybe a trip to the hospital can tell
  • What? My cervix is at 2cm and 50% effaced? Ahhh, today could be the day.
Cruel cruel unreliable signs, ladies. Just being honest here. This is my 4th kid and while I don't proclaim myself an "expert" on pregnancy, I have had experience and I say it's all crap.

More crap for you this morning? The old wives tales of what can bring on labor. Don't believe any of them because until your body and your baby are ready, it ain't happening. I don't mean to be pessimistic here...truly I'm not but from experience and from trying nearly everything you can find on the internet about bringing on contractions and labor, none of it works.
  • Sex? Uh, no. Like I feel sexy in the least.
  • EPO? Nope.
  • Castor oil? Unless you want severe pain and nausea, don't do it.
  • Walking?, although the exercise is great for you!
  • Nipple stimulation? What a joke.
  • Spicy foods? I had wasabi last night, Tabasco the night before...nothing. Zip, zero, zilch.

So, the lesson of the day? It won't happen until it happens. Good luck to my fellow preggo moms out there.

So, where does this rant leave me? HA. Still pregnant. But man, oh man, it feels good to let it someone other than my poor husband.

Have I mentioned I'm done?


Saturday, May 10, 2008
Too many emotions
A friend on one of my Flickr boards passed this site along and I felt it only right to pass it along to you. I warn you, before you read, grab a box of'll need them:

Monday, May 5, 2008
They made the offer and we are accepting.

Denver here we come!

Sunday, May 4, 2008
I know that Heavenly Father has us go through trials and tribulations...testing our patience and most of all, our faith...but I'm wondering at this moment when enough is enough.

Saturday, May 3, 2008
One step at a time, right?

Well, we've made one small step...

Hope to make a few more tomorrow.

Thursday, May 1, 2008
10 Things I Just LOVE About Being Pregnant
1. Backache
2. Getting kicked in the ribs
3. The constant trips to the bathroom to pee
4. Hemorrhoids
5. Not being able to breathe
6. Mood swings that change faster than a race car
7. Huge ever expanding belly
8. Morning sickness
9. Cravings/aversions
10. Acne
