Sunday, August 24, 2008
Our Weekend
Really wasn't much to this weekend. I DID get my haircut yesterday. It was a big event because it was the first time leaving Samantha and it was the first time I've had my haircut in a long long time. It felt good and one hour was all I needed. It was nice to do something for myself and Bill was happy to do it for me. :)

Today we had to go with Bill down to his West Palm Beach office to help with some stuff he needed to get done at work before tomorrow. It was a nice way to spend the day even if it was work. I guess I just love being with the family.

Enjoy the images:

The Flooding hasn't quite subsided yet. The first shot is the on-ramp going onto I-95. It's obviously not supposed to look like this.
Last one

This shot is leading to Wendy's which we found out was closed because the parking lot literally looked like a lake.

The crew:
My Crew ;)

Baby girl always so good:

Taking some shots of Downtown WPB with a fisheye lens. What a fun lens!
Day trip

Bill HATES when I take photos of him while in the car:
Because he hates me taking photos of him in the car shot

William humoring me:
Trip to WPB

Our girl chillin' in the backseat:
Trip to WPB

Little sick man:
Trip to WPB

My SO South Florida shot with the tall-Miami Vice-like trees:
My SOO Florida shot

My I wish we had a yacht shot:
The I wish shot ;)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
What year is it?
I ask because schools have just been canceled for tomorrow too. Apparently there are a lot of county roads that are completely flooded. Our own pool is about to flood over and Bill says the streets are flooding. The lake in the backyard is rising at a rapid rate too. I feel like we are almost in 2004 hurricane season. Have you seen, there's another "disturbance" out in the Atlantic? Ug. It's going to be a long couple of months.

Monday, August 18, 2008
First Day of School and then some
First of all, a video of supreme cuteness:

Today was the first day of school down here on the Treasure Coast. Bill took William and walked him into school. Will was so eager to get there and start his day. Chase, Sam and I took Sariah to school. It was quite a bit harder for Sariah this morning as the jitters were literally making her feel as if she would throw up. I felt so incredibly bad for her but at the end of the day, both Will and Sariah had great days and met some new friends.

Thanks to T.S. Faye, schools have been cancelled for tomorrow. I'm sure we'll get nothing but some rain. I suppose it's better safe than sorry though, eh?

Some photos of the first day of school:

This weekend, we went to Build-A-Bear, made cupcakes and took a dip in the pool as our End of Summer Celebration:








Pool Day

Sunday, August 17, 2008
I've been reading "I Am A Mother" for the past few months in between other books and I can across this quote that struck home:

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait for tomorrow,
For babies grow up, I've learned, to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust, go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep.
~Author Unknown

It's hard to remember this as we go through our days but I sat here this evening watching home videos of when Chase was just a baby and cried. I listened to Sariah's voice, to William's voice, to Chase's they've changed but stayed the same. How hearing those voices today and yesterday make my heart swell. I'm making some big decisions here in the next few weeks and these videos and this quote have affected one of my decisions a good deal.

Take time for your kids today, my friends. Cherish the small quiet and not so quiet moments because before you know it, they are grown and you are lonely.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Just life
We have a week left before the kids go back to school and I have mixed feelings. I am eager to have some...a little peace and quiet back in the house. The two boys together are just LOUD. I feel anxious for Sariah and William to start new schools. I'm also sad...I didn't do half the things I wanted to do with them but it's been kind of a busy summer, huh?

William lost first teeth...yes plural...teeth on Saturday. His two bottom front teeth came out on the same day within 5 minutes of each other!!! How odd. He's getting so big so fast. Chase is starting to speak even more clearly than before...more like paragraphs instead of sentences. Sariah is lonely but is such a help to me. Samantha....she is a doll...she smiles and sleeps and eats. That is her. I love it.

No news on the moving back to Orlando hope. Still praying like there is no tomorrow for it to come about though.

That's it. No big news. William's lost tooth:

Thursday, August 7, 2008
So we got Sariah into the school with the gifted program! We are so happy but irritated that they won't switch William over. Mind you, I understand he's now on a wait list and yada yada but we live ACROSS the street from this school. Sooo, I have to drive Sariah to school and then rush over 20 minutes away to drop off William as their schools start 15 minutes apart. It's not like in Clermont where there was a 30 minute difference. This whole thing is ludicrous. We live 1/2 mile from three schools but he has to go to one 20 minutes away. Whatever. Anyway, we are going to have him tested for gifted once the school year starts. Things might change anyway.

Other than that, things are good. I finally have a logo I can be happy with and a site I love. Check it out:
and my site is finally getting back up in the Google rankings so I might get some business down here afterall ;)

I hope you are all well. I think of you often though I may not call or write or comment.

Friday, August 1, 2008
Am I Nuts?
Don't answer that questions ;)

We may have Sariah's schooling situation solved as Bill called the school board and spoke with someone who might actually be able to help. We need to take Sariah's IEP up to the board on Monday and see if they can squeeze her in. So I'm very happy about that.

What I'm not happy about is the thought of William going to a sub-par school. Now, this school is only in it's 2nd year and maybe I should give them the benefit of the doubt but wouldn't that be like treating my 6-yr-old as the school's guinea pig? Is that really something I want to do? They say that if we think he might follow his sister's footsteps as far as gifted goes, that we should go ahead and put him into the sub-par school and then go to the counselor to get him tested. Ug. I just hate it.

So the "Am I Nuts" part is, should I homeschool? GASP! Me? I'm seriously giving it a thought now. I am somewhat smart but not patient. Could I deal with something like this?

Maybe this hatred just stems from the fact that I HATE it here. I think that has a lot to do with it....and how much I want to be back in Clermont or at least the Orlando area with all of my heart. Yeah...that might have a little to do with it. ;)
